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Approved by Resolution of Representative Council of Ivane  Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilis State University

( Formalized by minutes № 3 of June 26, 2014,  №6  October 9, 2014, N 4 December 25, 2020, march 26, 2021)

LEPL – Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

Regulation of the Faculty Faculty of humanities

Chapter I

General provisions

Article 1. The Status of the Faculty

The Faculty of Humanities ( hereinafter referred as Faculty) of LEPL – Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (hereinafter referred as TSU)  represents the major educational- scientific and administrative unit of TSU which within the scopes of academic freedom and institutional autonomy implements the educational programs and researches in the field of humanities preparing the   students to master the relevant qualification.

The official title of the Faculty is “ The Faculty of Humanities of LEPL Ivane Javakhhishvili Tbilisi State University”

The legal status of the Faculty is stipulated by the Georgian Legislation, the University Charter and the present Regulation. 

The faculty has the   letter head depicting the logo of TSU which is used upon the Dean’s directive or his/her consent pursuant to the rule established by the Georgian Legislation

The faculty has its seal and special section existing within the scopes of official web-site of TSU.

The address of the Faculty is:  1, Chavchavadze Ave, 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia

Article 2. The Scopes of the Regulation of the Faculty

The present regulation stipulates the major objectives and fields of competence, the structure of the Faculty, the rules, rights and obligations of the units implementing their structural and educational/scientific activities.

The regulation of the Faculty of Humanities is obligatory to be observed by all the structural units, academic staff and students

Article 3. The Objectives of the Faculty

The major objectives of the Faculty are as follows:

To provide the potential for   the acquisition of higher education to be  widely available and pertain to  the  modern standards;  to prepare the competitive and highly qualified specialists at Bachelor’s,  Master’s  and Doctoral  levels as well as to implement other educational programs

To further the university traditions through the fundamental and applied scientific researches and studies conducted in the fields of humanities;

To introduce the innovative approaches in the sciences of humanities and integrate the results of scientific researches in the educational process;

To concentrate the intellectual potential of the Faculty on handling the priority scientific problems and initiate or/and support the scientific-research projects; to prepare the new scientific staff;

To implement the joint educational programs and scientific-research projects in cooperation with the Georgian and foreign educational institutions;

To establish the student centered  academic environment;

To foster the   advancement of students and professors;

To protect the academic freedom of students;

To generate and transfer knowledge;

To encourage the academic mobility of students and academic staff of  TSU;

To make a maximal contribution to the establishment and development of thecivil society and common democratic values.

                                      Chapter II

                The Structure and Management of the Faculty

Article 4. The Structure and Governing  Bodies

The Faculty is administered by the following bodies (governing entities): the Council of  Faculty,  the Dean of Faculty and the Quality Assurance Service of Faculty.

The Faculty is composed of  the Administration  (the Dean, the Deputy/Deputy Deans,  the Head of Quality Assurance Service of Faculty), the support structural units  included in the Administration, the educational, academic- scientific and scientific- research structural units, which benefit the training of professionals and  implementing of the educational programs upon academic freedom and institutional autonomy as well as            to ensure the organization of continuous education and the conduct of scientific researches in the fields of humanities.

The structure of the Faculty and the performance rule of structural units are prescribed by the present Regulation approved by the Representative Council of TSU in compliance with TSU Charter and the established rule.

The main structural unit implementing the educational and scientific activities of the Faculty is the Academic – Scientific Institute (hereinafter referred as A.S. Institute), which consists of the professorial chair, scientific-research center, laboratory, studio, workshop. There functions the library of the Faculty  representing a structural unit of the university library.

The support structural units of the Faculty are: the Department of Educational Process Management of the Faculty, the Department of Scientific Researches and Development, the Department of Resource Management, the Department of Public Relations, Students Service Centre, Chancellery, Computer  Centre.

The composition of the Faculty may include the educational, educational-scientific and scientific – research center(s)as  structural sub-divisions bearing the facultative significance

The main structural unit implementing the educational and scientific activities of the Faculty is accountable to the Council of Faculty.

The support structural unit of the Faculty is accountable to the Dean of Faculty.

Pursuant to the established rule, the following structures are established at the Faculty: the the Commission for Credits Recognition and Attestation Commission; (The changes were made on the minutes of the TSU Representative Council meeting No. 2 of March 26, 2021)

There functions the Students Self-Government at the Faculty;

There functions “Young Humanitarian School” at the Faculty

Article 5. The  Rule of Establishment  and Annulment  of Structural Bodies.

The decision related to the establishment of a new structural unit or the annulment of the existing ones is introduced by the Council of Faculty and submitted to the Representative Council to be approved  incompliance with the established rule of TSU.

Chapter III

The  Council of Faculty

Article 6. The Formation of the Council of Faculty

The Council is a representative body of  the Faculty, the formation rule of  which is stipulated by the Charter of TSU.

The Council of Faculty is composed of the academic personnel elected on the representation basis from the major educational-scientific structural units existing at the Faculty and the representatives of Students Self-Government

A member of the Council of Faculty is the Dean, who is the chair person of the Council.

The Council of the Faculty of Humanities is composed of 38 members. The academic staff is elected from the educational- scientific institutes existing at the faculty. The Council of Faculty consists of  the Dean and the representatives of the Students Self-Government which equals to no less than ¼  of the members of the Council.

The academic staff is elected to the Council upon considering the number of professors in the existing educational- scientific institutes.

Every major educational-scientific  structural unit shall have minimum one representative  in the Council of Faculty

The Council of Faculty of Humanities consists of 27 representatives of the academic staff, 10 students and the Dean

In order to conduct the election of members to the Council there is formed the Election Commission at the Faculty.

A member of the Election Commission is not eligible to participate in the election as a candidate for a member of the Council of Faculty. A person holding an administrative position of the Faculty is not eligible to be a member of the Election  Commission

Within a week from scheduling the election for the members of the Council of Faculty, the academic personnel wishing for the membership of the Council shall apply to the Election Commission of the Faculty to be registered as a candidate member for the Council.

The representatives of the academic staff are elected to the Council of Faculty from the professors of the educational-research institutes by open ballot at the meeting.

 Each candidate is voted individually. The academic staff shall vote all the candidates participating in the election; The candidate (candidates) with better results is elected  as a member of the Council.  In  case of the tie votes the second round of balloting is held at the same session.

The voting results are formalized by the pertaining minutes signed by the chairperson  and members of the Election Commission.

 The term of office of the Council member elected from the academic staff of the Faculty is determined pursuant to the duration of his/her academic position.  Upon expiry of the term fixed for the academic position or in case of the pre-term termination of the academic position(in case the Dean’s  authority is terminated), the person loses his right to the status of the Council membership.  The re-run election shall be announced to fill a vacancy of the Council of Faculty following the above presented procedures.

A member of the Council representing the Students Self- Government automatically loses the right to the status of the Council membership in case of the termination of his/her  student’s status or due to her/his academic mobility to another faculty. The nomination of new members and the recognition of their authority is made in compliance with the established rule.

Article 7.  Authorities of the Council of Faculty.

The Council of Faculty shall:

determine and present the draft budget to the Head of Administration;

upon the Dean’s recommendation draw up the strategic plan of the development of Faculty, educational and scientific- research programs and submit them to the Academic Council for approval;

upon the Dean’s recommendation develop the regulation of the Faculty including the structure of the Faculty  and submit it to the Representative Council of TSU

elect the Dean of Faculty by the majority of members on the list through free and equal elections by secret ballot

develops the regulations of the doctoral program and participates in the development of the regulations of the University Dissertation Council, which he submits to the academic council of the university for approval; (Changes were made based on the minutes of the N2 session of the TSU Representative Council on March 26, 2021)

elect the head of Quality Assurance Service of Faculty

be entitled to review the issue concerning the pre-term termination of the Dean’s power at the request of no less than 1/3 of the Council members on the grounds of the violation of the Georgian legislation  by the Dean, the inappropriate fulfillment of  the obligations attributed to him/her  or/and  the conduct of any activities which are incompatible for the Dean while exercising of his/her power. The decision on the early termination of the Dean’s authority is made through the secret ballot by the majority of the members on the list. The Dean is not eligible to participate in the vote envisaged by this subparagraph. The appeal against the decision made on this issue shall not induce the suspension of the disputable act

appoint the Acting Dean from its members in case of the pre-term termination of  the Dean’s authority

specify  the coefficients for the  Uniform National Examinations and the quantity of students to be enrolled for the educational programs of the Faculty at the beginning of the academic year and submit it to the Academic Council to be approved.

be entitled to make a decision on determining of the coefficient for the Unified Master’s Examinations under the established rule of the Georgian Legislation; In case of approval of the coefficient the Council shall specify the coefficient for a separate part of the Unified Master’s Exam test as well as state the quantity of students to be enrolled for the Master’s programs of the Faculty and present them to the Academic Council to be approved.

develop the rules of the conduct of exam/exams for the candidates of  Master’s Degree program stipulated by the higher education institution pertaining to the rule established by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia;

introduce the rule related to the conduct of exam/exams/ interview for the candidates of  the program stipulated by the institution of  higher education;

specify the amount of tuition fee of PhD students upon the recommendation of the manager of PhD program

 make a decision on the termination of status of a student on the grounds of the conduct which is incompatible for a student’s status envisaged by  Code of Ethics, internal regulations and norms of disciplinary liability;

present the nominees  to the Academic Council of TSU to grant the academic title of Honorary Doctor,  Emeritus of TSU and other types of  awards thereto.

upon the well-substantiated recommendation apply the Rector for the scientific-creative leave deduction for the academic staff

exercise other authorities  granted by the present Regulation, the Charter of the University and the Georgian legislation.

considers the candidatures of dissertation reviewers selected by the relevant institute/institute and submits them to the university Dissertation Council for approval on the recommendation of the dean; (Changes were made based on the minutes of the N2 session of the TSU Representative Council on March 26, 2021)

for the purpose of defense of the thesis, on the recommendation of the relevant S/S institute, he will select the Commission for the defense of the thesis and submit it to the University Dissertation Council for approval on the recommendation of the dean; (changes were made based on the minutes of the N2 session of the TSU Representative Council on March 26, 2021)

approves the date of the thesis defense presented by the thesis defense commission; (changes were made based on the minutes of the N2 session of the TSU Representative Council on March 26, 2021)

on the submission of the head of the educational program, who, in turn, discusses the mentioned issue in the relevant S/S institute, approves the scientific supervisor of the doctoral student and the title of the dissertation during the first two semesters after the enrollment of the doctoral student; (changes were made based on the minutes of the N2 session of the TSU Representative Council on March 26, 2021)

on the submission of the relevant S/S institute, makes a decision on the doctoral student's topic and scientific Regarding the change of the head; (changes were made based  on  the minutes N2session of the TSU  2021 of the TSU Representative Council  of the meeting of March 26)

will develop the technical data instructions for the dissertation, which will be submitted to the University Dissertation Council for approval; (Changes were made based on the minutes of the N2 session of the TSU Representative Council on March 26, 2021)

Exercises other powers defined by the resolutions of the Academic Council of TSU and this regulation. (Changes were made based on the minutes of the N2 session of the TSU Representative Council on March 26, 2021)

Article 8. The Functional Procedural Issues of the Council of Faculty

The Council of Faculty is chaired by the Dean of Faculty. In his/her  absence the Chairperson’s duties are delegated to the Acting Dean

The secretary of the Council of Faculty is elected from the academic staff by open ballot at the first meeting. The function of the secretary of the  Faculty is to organize the clericalwork of the Council of Faculty. In the absence of the Secretary of Council from the meeting his/her duty is delegated to the ordinary member of the Council elected from the academic staff  by the majority of the Council of Faculty.

The draft agenda for the meeting of the Council of Faculty is prepared by the Secretary of the Council upon the Dean’s instructions. The members of the Council may submit the items in writing to the Secretary of Council to be inscribed on the draft agenda. The Secretary of the Council of Faculty publishes the draft agenda three days prior to the start date of the Council meeting.

The Council of Faculty approves the agenda through open ballot immediately at the beginning of meeting

The Head of Council of Faculty is authorized to convene the meeting on his/her own initiative or at the request of no lessthan 1/3 of the members of Council.

The Council of Faculty is entitled to making decisions if the meeting is attended by more than a half of the members on the list. The resolution is considered adopted if it is backed by more than a half of the attendees. In case the votes are tied, the Chairperson casts the decisive vote.

Unless otherwise envisaged by the Legislation, the voting is open at the Council meeting. 1/3 of the whole number of the members of Council has right to demand the secret ballot. The ballot is secret if it is backed by the majority of members attending the meeting.

Every meeting of the Council of Faculty is formalized by the minutes  signed by the Chairperson and Secretary.

The Council of Faculty of Humanities is empowered to create the special commission/board/ working group which is charged with studyingthe specific issues related to the educational-scientificactivities of the Faculty and making the pertinent decisions thereupon. The composition and performance rule of the commission/board/ working group is approved by the Council of the Faculty.

Chapter IV

The Dean of  Faculty

Article 9. The Status of the Dean of  Faculty

The Faculty of Humanities is led and represented in the relations with the third parties by the Dean of the Faculty.

Article 10. The election Rule of the Dean.

The election of the Dean of Faculty is conducted and the date of election is declared by the Council of Faculty

The Dean of the Faculty is elected by the majority votes  of the members on the list for a term of 4 years following the principles of transparent, equal and fair competition.

A full or associate professor of the Faculty holding  the degree of Doctor of Philosophy or any  equalized thereto academic degree may be elected for the position of the Dean

The same person may be elected for the position of the Dean for only two consecutive terms.

The announcement referring to the start date of registration of candidates for the position of the Dean is published by the Council of the Faculty no less than a month prior to launching the registration

In order to be registered as a candidate for the Dean’s position it is essential to present the concept of the development of the Faculty alongside the documentation of the personal identity and work experience

The election is conducted at the Council meeting of the Faculty. If the present Dean of the Faculty is re-nominated for the Dean’s position, he/she is not eligible to reside the meeting and the Chair of the meeting shall be elected by the Council of the Faculty pre-meeting.

The Dean of the Faculty is elected by the Council through the secret ballot. The ballot for the Dean’s election is conducted on the election day as announced by the Faculty.

The election of the Dean is considered valid if more than a half of the members on the list participate in it.

 A person gaining the majority of votes from the members on the list of Council is elected for the position

In case none of the nominees participating in the election gather the majority of votes from the members on the list, the second round of the ballot is held on the same day immediately upon finishing the first round no later than an hour. The two candidates with the best results participate in the re-run ballot.

 In case only one nominee participating in the first round of the election wins the majority of votes or none of the candidates polls the majority of votes from the members on the list  of the Council in the second round, the Council of Faculty calls the re-run election no later than within 5 days following the procedures envisaged by the Charter of the University

 The election procedures related to holding the position of the Dean are regulated by the Academic Council of TSU according to the resolution which is adopted on the approval of the election procedures related to holding the Dean’s position at the Faculty of Humanities of LEPL Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. for the purpose of defense of the thesis, on the recommendation of the relevant S/S institute, he will select the commission for the defense of the thesis and submit it to the University Dissertation Council for approval on the recommendation of the dean;

Article 11. The Authorities of the Dean of the Faculty

The Dean of the Faculty shall:

ensure the effective educational- research activities at the Faculty;

present the strategic development plan of the Faculty as well as the educational and scientific- research programs to the Council of the Faculty to be reviewed;

develop and present the structure and regulation of the Faculty to the Council of the Faculty to be reviewed;

 assume the responsibility to exercise the decisions of the Representative Council, Academic Council and the Council of the Faculty as well as  the legal acts of the University within its remits;

reside the meetings of the Council of the Faculty;

assume responsibility for the target use of the Faculty budget;

present the nominees for the Deputy Deans  to the Rector of the University;

present the nominees for the support staff of the Faculty to the Head of Administration for further appointment;

present the draft list of academic and scientific positions to the Rector;

make contacts with the relevant structural units of Georgian and foreign higher educational institutes in compliance with the requirements of the educational and scientific processes within the scopes of his/her authorities and competence;

exercise other authorities conferred thereto  by the Charter of TSU, the Georgian Legislation and sub-legislative normative acts;

In order to solve the individual issues the Dean, pertinent to his/her competence, enacts the individual administrative-legal acts –  Orders regulating all the legal issues related to the educational and scientific activities within the scopes of the Faculty

Considering the interests of the Faculty the decision on the temporary change(business trip)of the Dean’s workplace as well as on his/her annual leave is made by the Rector that is formalized by Order of the Head of Administration; 

In case of the temporary inability of the Dean to exercise  his/her authorities, the  duties are automatically delegated to the Deputy Dean in the educational field, in case his/her absence - to the Deputy Dean in the scientific field unless existing the relevant legal Act which stipulates the  position of the Acting Dean

Article 12. The Pre-term Termination of the Dean’s Authority

On the grounds of the infringement of the Georgian Legislation by the Dean as well as the inappropriate performance of the obligations attributed to him/her or/and the conduct of any activities which are incompatible  for the Dean while exercising of his/her power, the Council of the Faculty is entitled to consider the issue concerning the pre-term termination of the Dean’s authority at the request of no less than 1/3 of its members.

The decision on the pre-term termination of the Dean’s authority is made through the secret ballot by the majority of the members on the list of the Council. The Dean is not eligible to participate in the votes envisaged by this paragraph

Article 13. The Deputy Dean(s) and the Assistant.

The objectives of the Deputy Deans are as follows:

To ensure the conduct of the academic process effectively;

To ensure the conduct of the scientific researches effectively;

To perform the Dean’s assignments.

The Dean of the Faculty has two Deputy  Deans in the fields of academic and scientific activities;

The right to holding the position of the Deputy Dean is awarded to a full or associate professor of the Faculty of Humanities.

The objectives of the deputy Dean in the academic field are as follows:

To ensure the conduct of the academic processes effectively;

To coordinate the activities of the main as well as support  structural units implementing the academic activities;

To monitor the schedule of the academic process and the workload of the academic staff;

To organize the different types of events related to the educational activities of the Faculty;

To perform the assignments set by the Dean;

The objectives of the Deputy Dean in the scientific field are as follows:

To coordinate the scientific work at the Faculty;

To coordinate the activities of the main as well as support  structural units implementing the scientific-research activities;

To coordinate and monitor students’ scientific circles, the colloquiums and seminars of PhD students.

To provide the organizational and technical support to the conduct of various scientific events planned by the Faculty.

To coordinate the preparation of annual scientific report by the structural units of the Faculty

To perform the assignments set by the Dean.

Upon the recommendation of the Dean the Deputy Dean is appointed and dismissed from the position by the Rector of the University pursuant to the established rule of the Legislation.

The Dean has the assistant who is accountable to the Dean and supports her/him with the quick and effective implementation of  his/her activities.

The major objective of the Dean’s  assistant are as follows:

To facilitate to the fulfillment of the Dean’s  functions.

To organize the official meetings of the Dean

To coordinate the relation of the Dean with the students and student groups;

To prepare the correspondence;

To coordinate the mail and internal official correspondence of the Dean;

To supervise the maintainance of order in the Dean’s working environment.

To prepare the information to be uploaded on the website of the Faculty and submit it to the appropriate service;

To perform other relevant tasks

The assistant of the Dean is appointed and dismissed from the position by the Head of Administration upon the recommendation of the Dean.

Chapter V

The Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty

      Article 14. The Status of the Service

The Quality Assurance Service of Faculty is the governing body of the Faculty.

Upon the students participation the Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty contributes to the regular ranking of the academic and scientific-research work as well as the quality of further professional development of the academic staff

The major objective of the Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty is to foster the high quality of education.

The Quality Assurance Service of Faculty implements its activities pursuant to the effective Legislation and the regulation of the Faculty

The Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty represents a constituent part of the unified University system of the Quality Assurance Service.

Article 15. The Authorities of the Quality Assurance Service of Faculty

The Quality Assurance Service of Faculty contributes to the high quality of education through introducing the modern methods of learning, teaching and evaluation; in addition, the Service administers and implements the self-rating process of the activities in the academic field of the Faculty as well as facilitates the preparation of the self-rating for the authorization and program accreditation process.

The Quality Assurance Service of Faculty is empowered to cooperate with the foreign countries and the pertaining services of higher educational institutions to develop the transparent criteria of control and the methodology of its facilitation.

The Quality Assurance Service of  Faculty reviews the educational programs introduced pursuant to the established rule and makes decisions in agreement with the Quality Assurance Service of the University afterconducting the technical monitoring and academic expert appraisal thereof. In case of adoption of the joint resolution the educational program is submitted to the Council of Faculty to be reviewed.

The Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty presents the report concerning its activities to the Council of the Faculty at least once a year.

The Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty conducts the regular monitoring of educational programs and presents the obtained results to the Council of  Faculty for their further refinement. In addition, it participates in rating of the academic and scientific activities of the academic staff.

Article 16. The structure of the Quality Assurance Service of Faculty

The Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty of Humanities is composed of the Head of Quality Assurance Service of Faculty, its members and the support staff.

A member of the Quality Assurance Service of  Faculty may be a member of the Council of Faculty holding the position of the full or associate professor. A member of the Service performs its activities without any remuneration within the scopes of signed contract. The Quality Assurance Service of Faculty is entitled to invite the specialist of the appropriate field for the purpose of resolving a specific problem as deemed necessary.

Article 17. The Authorities of the Head of Quality Assurance Service of   Faculty

The Head of the Quality Assurance Service of Faculty shall:

administer the activities of the Quality Assurance Service of Faculty pursuant to the Charter of TSU, the regulations of the Faculty and the Quality Assurance Service of the University;

distribute the responsibilities among the Service staff;

provide guidance on the  formation of the short and long term work plans of the Service and their performance;

represent the Quality Assurance Service of  Faculty in governing bodies of the University, faculties and other services as well as the Faculty in the relations with the third parties within its remits

Within the remits established by the Georgian Legislation and Charter of the University, exercise other authorities in order to perform the assigned functions and duties thereto pursuant to his/her competence.

In the absence of the Head of Service, his/her duties are delegated to one of the members of the Quality Assurance Service of Faculty.

Article 18. The Election Rule of the Head of Quality Assurance Service of Faculty

The Head of  Quality Assurance Service of Faculty is elected by the Council of Faculty for a term of 4 years. (Changes were made based on the minutes of the N2 session of the TSU Representative Council on March 26, 2021)

A full or associate professor of the Faculty may be elected for the position of the Head of Quality Assurance Service of Faculty.

The requirements for the head of the quality assurance service of the faculty are determined by the university.

Chapter VI

The Faculty Certification Commission

(Changes were made based on the minutes of the N2 session of the TSU Representative Council on March 26, 2021)

Article 19. Has been cancelled (Changes were made based on the minutes of the N2 session of the TSU Representative Council on March 26, 2021)

Article 20. The Composition of the Dissertation Council

The Dissertation Council of  Faculty consists of all the full and associate professors holding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. As per decision of the Dissertation Council any person holding the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy may be invited to the Dissertation Council

The Dissertation Council acts and awards the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the scientific fields pursuant to the regulation approved by the Academic Council of TSU.

The Dissertation Board of Faculty has its Chairperson and Secretary, who are elected from the members of the Dissertation Board.

The Chairperson of the Dissertation Board of the Faculty may have the deputy chair.

The rule of electing of the chairperson, secretary and deputy chair of the Dissertation Council of the Faculty and their functions are stipulated by the regulation of the Dissertation Council of the Faculty which upon the recommendation of the Council of the Faculty is approved by the Academic Council.

       Article 21. Has been cancelled (Changes were made based on the minutes of the N2 session of the TSU Representative Council on March 26, 2021)

Article 22. Attestation Commission

The attestation commission makes the decision to grant qualifications to persons upon graduation from the levels of academic higher education - bachelor's and master's.

Chapter VII

The Units Implementing the Educational and Scientific Activities.

Article 23. The Educational Program

Based on the results and competence of learning process, the development of the field as well as on the practical and transferable skills, the educational program is a student centered and structurally flexible curriculum which facilitates the preparation of specialists according to the separate levels of acquiring higher education (BA, MA, PhD, vocational education, continuing education, the Georgian Language Training programs)

Bachelor’s program consists of the educational courses and/or modules.

Master’s program consists of the educational courses and/or modules as well as the componentintended for the preparation of  MA scientific paper and is completed by the defense thereof.

PhD program consists of the educational and research components and is completed by the defense of Doctoral paper.

The educational program is implemented by the human resources composed of a highly qualified academic staff, a teacher, a researcher or invited personnel.  A person having the necessary competence for achieving the results in the educational process envisaged by the program is considered to berelevantly qualified, that can be identified by the academic degree, specificeducation as well as the publications and professional background of the person.

The educational program may be implemented in cooperation with the partner institutions: the Georgian or foreign higher educational institutions or scientific- research centers.

The educational program is conducted by the program manager/managers or coordinator elected according to the established rule of TSU.

Article 24. The educational program manager/coordinator

The educational program manager may be a full or associate  professor of the appropriate field of the Faculty. In case of existing of  several program managers, one of them may be appointed as the coordinator on the basis of the general resolution adopted by the program managers.

The educational program may be administered by the invited person having the relevant qualification as well. The resolution of inviting the program manager is adopted by the Academic Council upon the recommendation of the Council of Faculty on the grounds substantiating the necessity of his/her invitation. In this case the program shall be led by the full or associate professor together with the invited person as well.

The program manager/coordinator represents the main contact person between the Quality Assurance Service of  Faculty and TSU, who is notified the results related to the internal and external evaluations, technical monitoring and academic expert appraisal  of the program and is responsible to react them for the purpose of its accomplishment

The program manager/coordinator assumes responsibility for the relevance of the University and credit requirements to the program. The coordinator of the BA or MA programs is liable for the quality of the presented syllabi within the scopes of the program and the coordinator of PhD program assumes responsibility for the quality of the educational and research components of the doctoral program.

The program manager/coordinator assumes liability for   providing students with the complete information on the curriculum of the program and presenting the proposals regarding the organizational issues related to the implementation of the program within the reasonable period of time

The program manager/coordinator is accountable to the Council of  Faculty.

The same person administers only one educational program/module at only one educational level. The exceptional decision may be made only by the Academic Council upon the recommendation of the Council of Faculty.

Article 25. The Development, Review and Approval of the Educational Programs.

The educational programs of the Faculty are developed by the professors of the relevant field of the Faculty.

The review of the educational programs is processed at the educational-scientific chair/institute/department pertaining to the program profile. The resolution is adopted by the majority of votes. The program manager/coordinator submits the educational program to the Quality Assurance Service of Faculty and in case of the positive decision taken there upon, the program is presented to the Dean of the Faculty.

The Dean of the Faculty presents the educational programs to be reviewed to the Council of the Faculty.

The Council of Faculty reviews the program, in case of its consent the program is submitted to the Quality Assurance Service of the University which in turn presents it to the academic Council.

The educational programs are approved by the Academic Council of the University.

The amendment of the approved program is moved thereto in accordance with the established rule on the program validation

The rectification of technical flaws detected upon working on the program is made as per  decision of the Faculty Council

Article 26. The Educational-Scientific Structural Units of the Faculty.

The Educational-Scientific Structural Unit of the Faculty is established in compliance with the present Regulation concerning the ratification of the unified arrangement model of the educational-scientific structural unit of Faculties at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and considering the requirements of TSU Academic Council.

The educational-scientific structural units existing at the Faculty of Humanities may be as follows: a) The Educational - Scientific Chair (Department); b) The Educational-Scientific Institute; c) The Educational-Scientific Department.

The Educational-Scientific Chair (Department) ( the smallest structural unit of the educational-scientific structural arrangement)  is the unity of human, technical, educational, scientific resources which is essential for the implementation of educational or any otherrelated,allied programs having the close educational-scientific connection thereto.

The Educational-Scientific Institute represents (ESI) the main educational-scientific structural unit of the Faculty established for the purpose of the conduct of coordinated education process and scientific researches, which may cooperate with one or more Chairs, scientific-research centers, educational laboratory/studio/workshop so as to implement the educational program/programs and research projects of the allied fields. The educational-scientific centers may be unified into the educational-scientific department.

The educational-scientific department is the union of the educational-scientific institutes or/and educational/scientific Chairs.

The performance rule of the main educational-scientific structural units of the Faculty of Humanities is stipulated by the present Regulation, which is approved by the established rule of the TSU Charter. The goals and scopes of the research and scientific activities are determined in accord with the Council of the Faculty.

Article 27. The Performance of the Educational-Scientific Institute

An educational-scientific structural unit- the educational-scientific institute administers its performance in compliance with the strategic plan of the Faculty.

The institute determines the educational methods and forms of the corresponding field and subjects, ensures the integration of scientific researches and acievements existing in the field into the educational process.

The institute develops and reviews the educational programs, research projects and working plan and presents them to the Council of Faculty to be approved in accordance with the established rule.

Article 28. The Composition and Management of the Educational-Scientific Institute

The Educational-Scientific Institute is composed of the members, associate members of the institute and the support staff.

 The member of the institute is an academic personnel of the Faculty elected from the relevant educational field //sub-field. The academic personnel of the Faculty shall be a member only of one institute.

The associate member of the institute ( without the right to vote) shall be:

An emeritus professor or invited lecturer/teacher, who is engaged in the educational programs and scientific-research projects implemented by the institute.

The researcher, the scientist of the relevant field participating in the implementation of the scientific-research project(projects) envisaged by the plan of the Institute, who is not an academic personnel of the Faculty

The support personnel of the institute is as follows: a lab-assistant/senior lab-assistant, an assistant professor, a specialist.

The representative body of the Institute is the Professors’ Council of the Faculty, which is composed of the academic staff of the Faculty. The associate members of the institute may also attend the meeting of the Professors’ Council without the right to vote.

The Professors’ Council of the Faculty shall:

review and set the major fields of activities of the Faculty;

review the educational and research program(s) and submit them to the Council of Faculty to be approved under the established rule of TSU

adopt the resolution related to the individuals joining up the institute as associate members

become familiar and reviews the report of the members of the Institute on their academic and scientific performance.

make a decision on publishing (annulment) of a scientific magazine upon necessity, chooses the editorial board of the magazine and periodically become familiar with its work statement.

review and approve the subject of students’ BA and MA scientific papers.

confirm the supervisors of students’ BA and MA scientific paper

conduct the pre-defense of the MA scientific papers and announce the reviewerswithin the terms established by the Administration

prepare the proposals related to the ongoing educational-scientific process at the Faculty and present them to the Dean or/and the Council of the Faculty.

assume the authority over all the issues concerning the educational-scientific activities and work performance of the institute

The meeting of the Professors’ Council of  the Institute is presided by the Head of Institute

The Professors’ Council of the Institute is authorized if the majority of the academic staff-members attend it. The resolution is adopted if more than a half of attendees vote for it. In case the votes are tied the Head of  Institute casts the decisive vote. The Professors’ Council of the Institute makes a decision by open ballot, unless the necessity of the secret ballot is stated.

The proceedings at Professors’ Council meeting of the Institute is formalized by the minutes, which is signed by the Head of Institute and the Scientific Secretary.

The Institute itself nominates the candidate for the Scientific Secretary and elects it through open ballot by the majority  of votes from the attendees.  An academic or support personnel of the Institute may be elected as a secretary.

Article 29. The Head of Educational-Scientific Institute

The activity of the institute is coordinated by the head of the institute, the professor of the relevant field/subfield or the associate professor. (Changes were made based on the minutes of the N4 session of the TSU Representative Council on December 25, 2020)

 In case two or more members of the Institute hold the post of a professor, the election for the Head of Institute is held. The Head is elected through the open ballot  by the majority of votes of the Professors’ Council for a term of 2 years

If the institute has only one professor, elections for the head of the institute should be held. The Council of Professors elects a professor/associate professor as the head of the institute, who is elected by open voting with a majority of votes for a term of 2 years. (Changes were made based on the minutes of the N4 session of the TSU Representative Council on December 25, 2020)

The full or associated professor who is a member only of the same Institute shall be elected as the Head of the Institute.

The resolution on the election of the Head is ratified by the Council of Faculty.

The Head of Institute coordinates the organizational and scientific activities of the institute, the performance of  educational and research program/programs implemented by the institute, fosters the development of the contacts with the Georgian and foreign educational institutions and other types of organizations, presides the Professors’ Council of the Institute and assumes the responsibility for the preparation and  submission of the annual report of Institute to the relevant service of the Faculty.

The Head of Institute may have the Deputy Head, a full or associate professor of  the relevant field//subfield who is elected for a term of 2 years through the open ballot by the majority votes at the meeting of  Professors’ Council

 The Head of Institute is accountable to the Professors’ Council of the Institute and the Council of Faculty.

Article 30. The Educational-Scientific Institutes of the Faculty of Humanities

The following Educational-Scientific Institutes function at the Faculty of Humanities of TSU:

The Educational-Scientific Institute of the Georgian Language

The Educational-Scientific Institute of the Georgian Literature

The Educational-Scientific Institute of Theoretical and Applied linguistics

The Educational-Scientific Institute of Theoretical and Comparative Literature.

The Educational – Scientific Institute of Caucasian Studies

The Educational – Scientific Institute of Georgian History;

The Educational – Scientific Institute of Archeology;

The Educational – Scientific Institute of  Ethnology;

The Educational – Scientific Institute of  World History;

 The Educational – Scientific Institute of Classical Philology, Byzantine and Modern Greek studies

 The Educational – Scientific Institute of Oriental Studies;

 The Educational – Scientific Institute of Western European Languages and Literature;

 The Educational – Scientific Institute of Slavic Studies;

 The Educational – Scientific Institute of  Philosophy;

 The Educational – Scientific Institute of  Art History and Theory;

 The Educational – Scientific Institute of  Visual Arts;

 The Educational – Scientific Institute of  Cultural Studies;

 The Educational – Scientific Institute of  American Studies;

 The Educational – Scientific Institute of  Translation and Literary Relations

Article 31. The Structure of the Educational-Scientific Institute

The Educational-Scientific Institute is composed of the following structural divisions: the Educational-Scientific Chair (hereinafter referred as Chair) the Scientific-Research Center, the educational laboratory /workshop/ studio, the study-library

The Chair is the unity of human, technical, educational, scientific resources which is  essential for the implementation of the educational or any other related, allied programs having the close educational-scientific connection thereto which aimsat attaining the goals set by the educational program/programs and the conduct of the scientific  researches in the corresponding fields.

The function of the Scientific- Research Center is to conduct the fundamental and/or applied  researches of the specific problem/problems and perform the advisory and expert services.

The Educational laboratory/workshop/studio facilitates the fulfillment of the practical/experimental part of the educational program/programs implemented by the Institute and/or Chair.

The structural subdivisions (Chair, Scientific –Research Center, Educational laboratory/workshop/study) compose the Educational-Scientific Institute under the guidance of the academic staff of Faculty. A full and/or associate professor is elected as the Head from the members of the same Chair. In specific occasions the guidance on the scientific-research centers, educational laboratories, workshop or studio may be assumed to the visiting professor in compliance with the decision of the Faculty made thereupon.      

The work performance of the Chair is coordinated by the Head holding the position of a professor of the relevant field// subfield.

In case more than one member of the Chair hold the post of the professor, the Head of Chair is elected for a term of 2 years through open ballot by the majority of votes from the Professors’ Council of the Faculty

If the Chair does not have any full professor, the associate professor is elected  asthe Head of Chair for a term of 2 years through the open ballot by the majority of votes of the Professors’ Council of the Faculty.  The candidacy of the elected  Head of the Chair is ratified by the Council of the Faculty.

The educational-scientific Institutes of the Faculty of Humanities are composed of the following Structural divisions:

The Institute of Georgian Language:

a.a) The Department of Georgian linguistics

a. b) The Department of the Ancient Georgian Language and Textual Studies

c) The Scientific Research Centre of Georgian Onomastics.

d) “Orioni” -the Centre for Studying Ancient Georgian Manuscripts

The Institute of  History of Georgian Literature:

b. a)  The Department of History of Ancient Georgian Literature

b. b)  The department of History of Modern Georgian Literature

b. c)  The Department of History of Contemporary Georgian Literature

b. d) The Department of Folklore Studies

          C)  The Institute of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

c. a) The Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

  c. b) The Scientific- Research Laboratory of Experimental Phonetics

c. c)  The Scientific – Research centre – “ Language, Logic, Speech”

          D) The Institute of Caucasian Studies

   d. a) The Department of Studying the Caucasian Languages

  d. b) The Department of History of Caucasian People

          E) The Institute of Archeology:

               e. a) The Department of Archeology

               e. b) The Academic Laboratory of Archeology

          F) The Institute of World History

               f. a) The Department of  the History of Ancient World

               f. b) The Department of medieval History

               f. c) The Department of Modern and Contemporary History

           G) The Institute of Classical Philology, Byzantine and Modern Greek  studies

 g. a) The Department of Classical Philology

 g. b) The Department of Byzantine Studies

               g. c) The Department of  Modern Greek Studies

               g. d) The Scientific –Research laboratory  for Mediterranean Culture


             H) The Institute of Oriental Studies

                h. a) The Department of Arabic Studies

                h. b) The Department of Iranian Studies

                h. c) The Department of Turkish Studies

 h. d)  The Department of Jewish and Aramaic Studies

 h. e) The Department of Armenian Studies

                h.f) The Department of Assyrian Studies

                h. g) The Department of the History of the Orient

              I) The Institute of visual Arts

i. a) The Department of Fine Arts

i. b) The Department of Film and Television

i. c)  The Film and Television Studio

i. d)  The Design Studio

              J) The Institute of Western Languages and Literature

                j. a) The Department of English Philology

                j. b) The Department of German Philology

j. c) The department of Roman Philology

                j. d) The Department of Translation Studies

             K)  The Institute of Slavic Studies

                k. a) The Department of the Russian Language

                k. b) The Department of  Russian Literature

                k. c) The Department of Russian History

                k. d) The Center for Studying Slavic Languages and Literature

              L)  The Institute of Philosophy

                l. a) The Department of the History of Philosophy

                l. b) The Department of Theoretical Philosophy

             l. c) The Department of Practical Philosophy

             l. d) Anthim the Iberian Scientific Center for Studying Philosophy and Theology.

               M) The Institute of Cultural Studies

              m. a) The Department of Cultural Studies

              m. b)  UNESCO Department of intercultural dialogue

               N) The Institute of Art History and Theory

              n. a) The Center for Studies for Georgian Arts.

Article 32. The educational, educational-Scientific and Scientific- Research

                   Centers bearing the facultative significance

The faculty includes the educational, educational-scientific and scientific-research centers (hereinafter referred as  Center) bearing the facultative significance

The function of the Center is to implement various educational and scientific-research projects/programs with the aim of studying the specific or a certain country/region related to the scientific problems

The rule of work performance of the Center is stipulated by the regulation of the Faculty.

The work performance of the Center is coordinated by the Head of Center, who is ratified by the Council of Faculty upon the nomination of the Dean.

The Head of Center may be an academic personnel of the Faculty or an invited specialist.

The following personnel may participate in the projects/ programs implemented by the Center: the academic staff of the Faculty, a PhD, MA, BA student as well as the specialist of the relevant qualification invited for the purpose of the implementation of a specific project.

The Head of Center coordinates the organizational and scientific activities and the educational, scientific- research projects/programs  implemented by the Center; fosters the further development of scientific contacts between Georgia and the educational institutions of the appropriate country/region and other types of organizations, assumes the responsibility for the preparation and submission of the annual report to the pertinentservice.

The Head of Center develops the annual work plan and presents it to the Council of Faculty to make the decision thereupon.

The Head of Faculty is accountable to the Council of Faculty:

The  Faculty of Humanities of TSU consists of the following educational-scientific centers bearing the facultative  significance

The Center for Kartvelian Studies

The Center for the Japanese Language and Culture

The Center for Scandinavian Studies

The Center for Israel Studies

The Center for Polish studies

The Center for Ukrainian Studies Otar Bakanidze (Changes were made based on the minutes of the N2 meeting of the TSU Representative Council on March 26, 2021)

Yunus Emre Center of Turkish Culture

The scientific-Research Center for Shakespeare Studies

Georgian Diaspora Research Center  (Changes were made based on the minutes of the N4 meeting of the TSU Representative Council on August 6, 2021)

Chapter VIII

The  Support Structural  Units of the Faculty

Article 33. The Support  Structural Units

The support structural units are established for the purpose of  providing the perfect work performance of the Faculty

The support structural units of the Faculty are as follows: the Learning Process Management Department, the Department of Scientific Research and Development, Chancellery, the Department of Resource management, the Department of Public Relations,  the Students Service Center, etc.

The support structural unit consists of the Head, the Deputy Head (in case it exists) and the senior specialist.

The staff list of employees of the support units, the Head of units and specialists are ratified by the Head of Administration of TSU upon the nomination of the Dean.

The rights and obligations of the support units are stipulated by the regulation of the Faculty.

Article 34. The Department of Learning Process Management

The Department of Learning Process Management provides the organization of learning process, the perfection of the informational database and the control of keeping thestudents’records as well as informing the students about the learning process and development of the  projects focused on the students’ employment, etc.

The main objectives of the Department of Learning Process Management are as follows:

To facilitate the introduction of the innovative, student centered teaching methods at the Faculty;

To promote the implementation of  educational programs according to the educational-methodical approaches; to monitor the educational programs and the conduct of curriculum; to draw up the timetables.

To keep the academic and administrative staff informed about the recently developed rules, regulations, the acceptance/ amendments moved to the instructions;

To coordinate the semester workload of the Academic staff

To organize the primary registration of students of the Faculty at the database of TSU

To organize the process of the students’ academic registration;

 To cooperate with the appropriate services of the University in order to improve and protect the students’ information database.

To keep the students’ personal records.

To input the personal data on the students’ card and database

To prepare the midterm and exam assessment sheets, submit them to the teachers, collect the  sheets filled in and input the information on the students’ database.

To prepare the project related to the recommendations  for the alumni and their diploma supplements

To archive the documentation of the alumni in compliance with the established rule.

To carry out the regular statistical data processing by Order of the Dean

 To review the correspondence received by the Faculty concerning the educational process and prepare the response;

To inform the students about the issues related to the educational process and upload it on the corresponding web-site;

To organize the informational meetings with the professors and students;

To involve the students in the process of recognition of the academic rating gained in the high schools accredited abroad in compliance with the established rule so as to foster the integration process of the Faculty into the international educational space

To participate in the process of students’ academic mobility. To be involved in the facultative commission for credits recognition

The Department of Learning Process Management exercises the supervision of the Students Service Center and the group of tutors within its remits. The tutors are nominated by the Dean from the PhD or MA students or employees of the Faculty. The Dean ratifies the choice rule of a tutor by the individual legal act, as deemed necessary

The Learning Process Management Service is guided by the Head of Service who is appointed upon the nomination of the Dean.

Article 35. The Students Service Center

The Students Service Center of the Faculty functions for the purpose of prompt transfer of the information about the educational process of the Faculty and the efficient arrangement of other organizational issues related to the students of the Faculty. 

The major objectives of the Students Service Center are as follows:

To provide the students with the informational service;

To submit the information obtained from the students about the existing problems in the educational process to the Administration of Faculty to be solved (students’ feedback,  as deemed necessary);

 To support the solution of  student problems emerged in the educational process in cooperation with the relevant services of the Faculty and Administration of the University.

Article 36. The Service for Scientific Researches and Development

The Service for Scientific Researches and Development is a support structural unit of the Faculty which ensures organizing of the scientific researches, makes contacts with the local and foreign scientific, research and educational institutions, encourages the interdisciplinary researches, invites the world acknowledged scientists and attracts the scientific intellect to the Faculty as well as coordinates the performanc of PhD programs at the Faculty

The major objectives of the Service for Scientific Researches and Development are as follows:

To facilitate the conduct of the scientific researches focused on the innovative knowledge, quality and findings and the integration of the scientific-research and educational processes; To contribute to the implementation of the educational programs through the translation of educational- methodological literature, organizing the translation process and for this purpose to recruit the relevant human resources as well as through publishing the new text-books based on the scientific researches.

To analyze the scientific- research findings, prepare the annual report and present it to the Department of Scientific Researches and Development of TSU.

To implement the programs fostering the further professional development of the young specialists and scientist-researchers.

To invite the foreign scientists and benefit the academic staff and students of the Faculty from organizing the scientific trainigs.

To organize the scientific conferences for the professors, teachers and students.

To coordinate and monitor the work performance of  the students’ scientific circles;

To organize the colloquiums and seminars for the PhD students;

To coordinate the scientific work performance at the Faculty;

To inform the academic staff of the Faculty about the grant competitions;

To present the plan of events (conferences, seminars, etc.) to be held in the following semester to the Dean of Faculty at the end of each semester;

To expand the international contacts and implement the unified educational and scientific projects within the scopes of the educational and scientific fields of the Faculty;

To contribute to the further development of the Faculty and to work with the schoolchildren and alumni of the Faculty.

The Scientific Research and Development Service performs the coordinated work with the Dissertation Council and assumes the responsibility for the input of  PhD students’ academic and scientific activities on their personal records and database within its competence.

The Scientific Research and Development Service is led by the Head of the Service who is appointed by the Head of Administration of TSU upon the recommendation of the Dean.

Article 37. The Chancellery

The Chancellery of the Faculty ensures organizing and proper functioning of the cirquity of documentation at the Faculty, theacceptance and registration of the incoming and outgoing correspondence, applications and complaints, the registration of the individual legal acts of the Dean and submitting the copies to the appropriate personnel of the Faculty; In addition, the unit performs the accounting-reference work and their submission/delivaryfor the intended purpose, the endorsement and submission of  documents  to the authorized persons; supports the operation of the archive record system as well as archiving of  the documentation according to the established rule; provides  the information existing at the faculty for the person, who is responsible for availability of public information of the Faculty on his/her request, etc.

In the Chancellery of the Faculty there is kept the seal and letter head of the Faculty which are used pursuant to the established law.

The Chancellery of Faculty is administered by the Head of Chancellery who is appointed by the Head of Administration upon the recommendation of the Dean.

Article 38. The Service for Resource Management

The function of the Service for Resource Management is to provide the students and staff of the Faculty with the perfect conditions for learning, work and scientific- research activities on the basis of the effective management of the resources; to ensure the establishment of the optimum conditions for the ownership and utilization of the property reported on the balance sheet of the Faculty; to supply the structural units and staff of the Faculty with the appropriate material-technical base, facilities and equipments as well as to perform the acceptance and maintenance of the material values complying with the effective Legislation, etc.

The main objectives of the Service for Resource Management are as follows:

To manage the material resources existing under the charge of the Faculty effectively;

To supply the educational and scientific-research processes with the necessary material resources;

To improve the material-technical and educational base;

To participate in drawing up the draft budget of the Faculty;

To cooperate with the relevant services of TSU in order to improve the maintenance, accounting and utilization of the material resources existing under the charge of the Faculty;

To improve the educational-methodical, scientific-research and material-technical base in order to solve the prioritized problems of the Faculty and prepare for the existing and future plans

To maintain the existing material-technical basewhile performing the operative management of the Faculty

To supply the educational process with the up-to-date technical means.

Article 39. The Library

The library of the Faculty of Humanities is the constituent part of the University library and is administered according to the rule established by the regulation of the University library.

The rights and obligations of the Library staff are stipulated by the regulation of TSU library and the Charter of the University.

Chapter IX

The Staff

Article 40. The Composition of the Faculty

At the faculty of Humanities there exist the academic, administrative, scientific, teachers’ and support positions.

The Faculty invites the relevantly qualified specialists to conduct the educational process or participate in it, upon necessity

Article 41. The Academic Staff

The academic staff of the Faculty consists of the professors an associate professors and assistant-professors;

(Retrieved - 12.02.2018, #1)

The professors participate or conduct the educational process and scientific researches.

The assistant performs the seminar and research works within the scopes of ongoing educational process under the guidance of the professors.

The emplyment contract with the academic staff is signed for a term stipulated by the Uniform Rule for Employment of TSU

The rule and conditions of holdingand dismissing from the position, the grounds for dismissal from the position as well as the rights and obligations of the Academic staff  are prescribed by the Georgian Legislation, the Charter of TSU and the effective regulations at TSU.

Article 42. The Administrative Staff

The administrative staff of the Faculty consists of the Dean, the Deputy Deans and the Head of Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty.

The rule of holding and pre-term dismissal from the administrative positions is stipulated by the Georgian Legislation, Charter of TSU and the effective regulations of TSU.

Article 43. The scientific Personnel

The scientific staff are the Head and researcher of the scientific-research center/laboratory existing within the scopes of the Faculty or the educational-scientific institute.

Article 44. The Staff of Teachers

The staff of teachers includes  a teacher and a senior teacher.

The teacher is entitled to lead the seminar, practical and laboratory activities without holding the academic position.

Article 45. The support positions

The support staff of the faculty includes other persons necessary for the activity of the faculty provided for by the staff schedule of the university: head of service, main specialist (category I), main specialist (category II), leading specialist, senior specialist, specialist senior laboratory assistant, laboratory assistant, professor's assistant and those invited on the basis of the contract ( freelance), others necessary for the faculty's activities. (Changes were made based on the minutes of the N4 session of the TSU Representative Council on December 25, 2020.

Chapter X


Article 46. A Student of the Faculty of Humanities

A students of the Faculty of Humanities is a person, who is enrolled   pursuant to the Law of Georgia on Higher Education and the Charter of TSU  and studies the educational programs for BA, MA, PhD degrees as well as the Professional  and Georgian Langage Training educational programs implemented by the Faculty of Humanities of TSU.

The Faculty provides three-level high academic education – Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral programs. The first level of education includes the Teacher Training Educational Program. The holder of the certificate for the Teacher Training Educational Program gains the Master’s academic degree in case of completing  the 60-credit educational program for Master’s degree.

There function the Professional Educational Programs at the Faculty

There is implemented a special educational program for Georgian Language Training at the Faculty.

The rule of enrollment of the students for the educational programs of the Faculty of Humanities is prescribed by the Georgian Legislation, the Law of Georgia on Higher Education, the relevant legal acts of TSU and the Regulation of the Faculty

Article 47. The Enrolment of Students for the Educational Programs

At the Faculty of Humanities the students are enrolled for Bachelor’s program on the basis of the Unified National Examinations, unless  otherwise stipulated by the legislation; A student enrolled for the Bachelor’s program (except for the cases, when the enrollment is made for the specific Bachelor’s program) chooses the preferable for him/her Bachelor’s program to acquire the basic and, if desired, the additional profession

Without having passed the Unified National Examinations an entrant, who has the right to study, takes the examination in the language envisaged by the teaching process of the corresponding educational program. The candidate of enrollment is exempt from the examination if he/she presents the knowledge level certificationor/and the document certifying his/her studies in the language envisaged by the relevant educational program abroad/in Georgia  for no less than one academic year

The right to studying for Master’s program is conferred to a person holding BAor anequalised thereto academic degree, who has passed the Unified Examination for Master’s program and meets the established prerequisites to studying on the relevant MA program, unless otherwise prescribed by the Georgian Legislation

The enrollment for MA program is carried out on the basis of the competition.

The documents of the person ( hereinafter referred as Competitor) willing to further his/her studies is received by the Entrance Commission which is ratified by the Rector upon the recommendation of the Dean of Faculty.

The enrollment for the MA program is based on the results of the Unified Master’s Examination and the exam subject of profession in a written form. The examination in the foreign language is deemed to be the prerequisite to enrollment for the specific MA program, etc.

The exam subject of profession is conducted in a written form. The exam papers are assessed by the 100 – point system. The exam is considered to be passed, if a competitor gets the positive assessment (minimum 51%) The competitors’ exam papers for the profession are assessed by the Examination Commission, which is approved by the Rector’s individual legal act upon the recommendation of the Dean of Faculty. The supervisor of the Master’s program is not eligible to be a member of the Examination Commission.

The exam paper for the foreign language is assessed by the 100-point system. The examination for the foreign language is deemed to be passed, if a competitor gets the positive assessment (minimum 51%), unless otherwise envisaged by the Master’s program. A competitor is exempt from the exam of the foreign language in case of presenting the knowledge level certificate or/and the document certifying his/her studies in the language envisaged by the relevant educational program  abroad/in Georgia  for no less than one academic year.

Without passing the Unified Examinations for Master’s program a candidate, whohas the right to study, takes the exam in the language envisaged by the teaching process of the relevant educational program. The candidate for MA program is exempt from the exam of the foreign language in case of presenting the knowledge level certificate or/and the document certifying his/her studies in the language envisaged by the relevant educational program  abroad/in Georgia  for no less than one academic year

The entrance competitive examination(s) for MA program are conducted by the Examination Center of TSU.

 The terms of acceptance of the documents, the regulation of the Entrance Commission, the time-table of the competitive examination, the rule of publishing the results and appellation, the conditions for launching of the Master’s programs are stipulated by the regulatory rules of educational process of TSU.

 Enrollment of the student in the doctoral program is carried out in accordance with the applicable legislation and the regulations of the doctoral program of the faculty approved by the Academic Council of TSU, based on the results of the entrance exam in a foreign language and the interview in the specialty. (Changes were made based on the minutes of the N2 session of the TSU Representative Council on March 26, 2020)

A student is enrolled in the Professional Educational  and a year-long (60 Credits) Georgian Language Training Programs on the basis of the Unified National Examinations.

 The tuition fee at every level of educational process is determined by the University tariff rateestablished for each semester.

 The amount of the reduced tuition fee for each student of  PhD program of the Faculty of Humanities is determined by the Council of Faculty upon the recommendation of the supervisor of the doctoral program

The rights and obligations of a student are prescribed by Law of Georgia on Higher Education, the Charter of TSU and the  regulations of  the University

The suspension and termination of a student’s status are made under the Georgian Legislation, the Charter of TSU and the effective regulations of TSU

Article 48. The Students Self-government of the Faculty of Humanities

The student Self –government of the Faculty of Humanities is composed of the students elected by secret ballot based on the universal, equal and direct elections

The rights and obligations of the Students Self-Government are prescribed by Law of Georgia on Higher Education, the Charter of the University and the regulation of Student Self-Government of TSU.

Chapter XI

The Budget and Finances of the Faculty

Article 49. The budget of the Faculty

The budget of the Faculty of Humanities is the component part of the budget of TSU

The Faculty participates in drawing up the budget pursuant to the established rule of TSU

Article 50. The finances of the Faculty

The Faculty resolves any issue concerning the ownership and utilization of the property and finances attracted and being under its charge with the consent of the Head of Administration

Chapter XII

  The introduction of amendments and additions to the

                                Regulation of the Faculty

Article 51. The introduction of amendments and additions to the Regulation of the Faculty

The Regulation of the faculty is reviewed by the Council of Faculty upon the recommendation of the Dean and is approved by the Representative Council of TSU.

The adoption, annulment, amendment and addition to the Regulation of the Faculty are made under the rule established by the paragraph 1 of this Article.

Chapter XIII

 The Transitional and Final Provisions

Article 52. The Adoption and Entry into Effect of the Regulation

The Regulation shall be submitted to the Representative Council of TSU to be approved.

The Regulation shall come into force immediately upon its approval by the Representative Council of TSU